Exalted Ruler’s Report – March 2021
Exalted Ruler’s Report – March 2021

Aloha Fellow Elks,
This is my final column as Exalted Ruler. By the time you read this, you will have elected new officers and a new ER who will be ready to lead us into the
new Elks year. No doubt we will be in good hands.
It has been a privilege and an honor to serve alongside people who devote their time and energy for the Good of the Order. I’ve been reminded so often this year that those who serve are motivated by a deep love for our Lodge and our fellow Elks.
It has also been a privilege and honor to serve fellow Elks whose love for our special place is on display every day in the Club and in the communications that I’ve received this past year.
I’ve also been honored to share the blessing of working with a special staff—in the Club and in the Lodge offices. Our Lodge and Club simply couldn’t function without this group of people.
We have been through an unusual year, yet together we have continued the charitable work that is the heart of our organization. Together we have also kept the Club accessible to members. Even with the distancing and masking requirements, the Club has provided us a place to escape the frustrations and worries that have weighed on us all.
Let’s continue to work together in a spirit of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity.
Fraternally yours,
Russ Motter,
Exalted Ruler