Secretary’s Report – March 2023
Secretary’s Report – March 2023

Aloha. Last month, we provided detailed procedures on the membership renewal process and we hope you find it useful as you process payment for the coming year which begins on April 1st. The Grand Lodge administered program offers many efficiencies for both the membership and the Office and cost savings are substantial. Notices from the Grand Lodge will be received soon. Some have chosen to go online now to to make early payment. Dues have gone up slightly due to a $5 insurance increase from GL. Amenities fees remain the same while parking decal fees have risen to help pay for planned improvements with the parking lot to better control utilization for members. Certain safety changes for fire access are also required. Awaiting permitting, hopefully these improvements can be implemented soon. We also remind you to keep your contact information on file updated so we can continue to communicate with you efficiently. Simply send an email to, or call 808-923-4935
to update your information. There are weekly notices of administrative advisories, entertainment, Club Specials. Read the monthly Aloha Elk and weekly eblasts. Stay current and enjoy the Lodge.
Aloha, e a hui hou,
George West