Elk of the Year (2023 – 2024)
Elk of the Year (2023 – 2024)

July 1, 2024
The Grand Lodge called upon all Exalted Rulers to name a member of their lodge Elk of the Year. Grand Lodge states, “this award is to recognize a member who is always willing to help and a member who can be relied upon to get things done. Loyalty, dedication, and willingness to work are also essential to this consideration. Every involvement should exemplify “Elks Care–Elks Share.”
Past Exalted Ruler Calvin Hara selected twenty-seven year 616 member and Lodge Historian Anita Manning as Elk of the Year. Historian Anita has a wealth of education and professional knowledge to serve as our lodge’s curator of history. From serving as a museum director, education specialist, and a college lecturer, Historian Anita serves as curator of the 616 display case of historical artifacts.
With a watchful eye, Historian Anita looks carefully, on a regular basis, in the display case to be sure that bugs are not setting up home among the artifacts. Often a behind-the-scenes volunteer, Historian Anita regularly attends lodge meetings and shares a Honolulu Elks Lodge historical moment during the Good of the Order. At the annual Grand Exalted Ruler’s visit to the Hawaii District, Historian Anita meets with the Grand Exalted Ruler and first lady, as well as with dignitaries and Hawaii District leaders at the National Cemetery of the Pacific. There, she shares heartfelt words about the Honolulu Elks Lodge members who bravely served our country during World War II and reflects upon the bravery and dedication of our absent members.