Exalted Ruler’s Report – June 2023
Exalted Ruler’s Report – June 2023
June 1, 2023 | Exalted Ruler
As the summer months approach all of us, Honolulu Elks Lodge members will be at the club for pool swimming, lounging, dining, libations, surfing and working out. That may be the usual for some, but with the beautiful typical Hawaiian summer climate, we will see more visiting Elks and local Elks who bring their friends and relatives to enjoy our venue. What a great lodge and club we have!
I am pleased to report that the House Committee continues to work hard on topics that members, staff and leadership have asked the committee to address. The level of professionalism, courtesy and open communication is commendable. I give much appreciation to General Manager, Adriana Huizar, in her working alongside with the House Committee Chairman, John Mugnoni, and the committee members. In my weekly email blast, I highlight the latest news for the House Committee.
The House Committee is the committee, along with the Exalted Ruler, which must deal with member incidents and hearing. During my Elk years in the governance of the lodge and club, I need to share with my observations relative to member incidents and concerns. While we all, as Elk members, accept the Oath, we at times, unfortunately loose focus of the Oath and then exhibit behaviors.
Member behavior – is it good? Is it bad? Is it unacceptable? Yes to all of those questions. We appreciate good behavior of our members. When we hear in the lodge meeting “Sickness and Distress,” and how a member helps another member with visits, food, transportation while ill, it brings a warm feeling to me and others. A worrisome aspect of member behavior is not following rules, a sense of entitlement, rudeness, bypassing rules thru loopholes and lastly, spreading and participating in rumors.
It is “the bad” and unacceptable that can result in incidents and hearings. Let us all be good Elk citizens, think before reacting and maintain the right perspective. I ask that all members reflect on why they sought Honolulu Elks Lodge membership and re-pledge their Oath to the Order.
Let’s be good citizens and Live Aloha always.
Aloha, Mahalo Nui Loa,
Calvin Hara
Exalted Ruler