Secretary’s Report – March 2022
Secretary’s Report – March 2022

Aloha. It’s membership renewal time and there is a lot going on! As we have notified the membership, we are into a new voluntary renewal program being managed through the Grand Lodge. The program is in its second year. We did not participate during the first year. Instead we chose to observe the process in other lodges. We touched base with many lodges of similar size throughout the year and found that most reported general satisfaction.
The Grand Lodge program is similar to what we’ve had in place for a few years. The renewal mailings will come from another service and not from the Lodge. This provides substantial savings and labor efficiencies through reduced postage, material, and printing costs. As we go through the year there will be further volume-based savings realized as periodic delinquency notices are mailed.
We have experienced a few glitches this year with processing, all of which have been immediately addressed by Grand Lodge. Support from Grand Lodge has been excellent. Members have also reported some confusion caused by formatting of the notices and we have forwarded those on for adjustment next year.
As with all new programs there is a learning curve, and we ask the membership for their indulgence as there are many benefits to be realized.
Aloha, e a hui hou
Lodge Secretary
George West