Secretary’s Report – September 2021
Secretary’s Report – September 2021

Well, after a brief respite we are back into stricter COVID-19 protocols. What an up-and-down journey it’s been thus far. Surely, the return to normal must be led by us. Once again, we must be responsible for ourselves and consider others.
Membership applications continue on at a brisk pace, as reported last month. Currently, 60 applications are being processed. To ensure efficiency and continuity, cross-training within the Membership office is ongoing. Active support is provided for those conducting the Investigation, Orientation, and Initiation procedures.
Amenities at the Lodge, from food and beverage to the pool and gym, are being well used. That’s a good thing; they’re there for the members. That said, while you use and enjoy those wonderful amenities, please remain accommodating and respectful of others, particularly as we all manage the COVID-19 protocols.
As reported last month, the annual audit has been received and distributed. We are pleased to note that no significant items have been identified. Although the Lodge is in monthly compliance with the Grand Lodge’s mandated financial reporting system, the board of directors–out of conservative respect for the interest of the membership–has elected to conduct a full annual audit.
Aloha, e a hui hou,
George West,