Scholarship Update
Scholarship Update

Due to COVID-19, our Lodge was unable to hold an awards dinner for our scholarship winners for 2020-2021. The awards have been mailed to the recipients.
Winners included Alyssa Hirai, Moanalua High School; Isabella Chung, Roosevelt High School; Jordan Lam, McKinley High School; Kyler Saiki, Mid-Pacific Institute; Jaxon Chester, Kekaulike High School and Ethan Covello, Kaiser High School.
Alyssa, Isabella and Kyler were also semi-finalists for ENF or CHEA scholarships..
Jordan’s thank you letter to the Lodge stated, in part, “With each scholarship I receive, also comes the inspiration for me to follow those who selflessly donate money to help students and their pursuit of higher education. I hope one day I will have the opportunity to give back to the community when I am successful later in life.”
The scholarships truly make a difference to students, especially in these topsy-turvey days of confusion and economic insecurity.
We wish them all well!
Barbara J.Service,
Scholarship Chair